- Capitalism , bookclub
- Introduction
"Hippie was a fundamentally middle class phenomenon"
- Fisher considered self inducing via drugs a stupor was to do capitalisms work for it
"We have to realise that nothing can be achieved by getting off your head on drugs"
"To what extent is our desire for postcapitalism always already captured by capitalism itself?"
"Negativity detroys the old but no longer produces the new"
- Lecture 01: What is postcapitalism?
background-color:: red - a common criticism is if anti-capitalist protestors have iphones not only are they hypocrites but they don't want what they claim to want
- capitalist structures need to be continually and repeatedly dismantled as they try to reassert themselves
- The term "postcapitalism" has a neutrality that isn't present in socialism or communism (and none of the negative associations)
- In using the term postcapitalism you're suggesting their is something beyond capitalism instead of something to replace it
"A politics without demands is simply a collectino of aimless bodies"
- Lecture 02: Countercultural Bohemia as Prefiguration
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"You can get away from the physical father, but you can't get away from the interjected voice of the father which is not never satisfied which is always calling for more always making demands which can't be met and which can't be reasoned with"
"Our civilisation is generally speaking founded on the suppression of instincts"
- Lecture 03: Class consciousness to group consciousness
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"One of the themes you'll have noticed running through this, through Lucas's work, and this text in particular is a common philosophical theme of becoming versus being. Ideology turns what is always a process of becoming, which is open-ended and therefore changeable, into something that is fixed and permanent."
"Part of the problem of the old idea of objective truth, you could say, was its idea that consciousness has no effect on the truth. That might well be true of the state of a black hole or something like that, but it can't possibly be true of social relations. I'm in those social relations."
"Capital is money meant to make more money. Cash in your pocket is not. The way capitalists spend money is not the same as you or I buying a coffee because of the speculative dimension, the investment dimension. You're spending that money so that more money can be made and there's no end to that process."
- Lecture 04: Union power and soul power
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