- I think three prerequisites for creativity is memory, a large dataset and bordem
- My reason for memory is because memory seems to strongly positively correlate with all excess functions of the brain
- A large dataset is needed because it allows a larger knowledge base to pull from
- I don't think direct experience is needed but knowledge of the dataset provided by the experience is, standing under a cold waterfall feels like your skins being sliced open by knives, you don't need to do it to integrate that into your dataset because you know the information provided by the experience
- Bordem is needed for flashes of creativity, I think this firmly (0.95) because I've never had a flash of insight when my mind is actively engaged in a stimulating task and a common movie trope is the guy gains a flash of insight in some random location doing something dull because of an unrelated event
- He's bored, not stimulated, not doing anything that requires much of his brain and not thinking about the creative task
- Flashcards like anki hit all three of these pretty well, it improves memory holistically, increases your dataset and causes bordem though likely not the type that leads to flahses of insight but that type of bordem is common in life so long as you don't kill any moment of bordem with stimulation seeking behaviour, sitting on a bus, the toilet, in the shower etc, remove stimulation from these and you get ample opportunity.